Change or Cancel Reservations Online at Marriott

Marriott provides online hotel and vacation reservation services as well as services to change or cancel reservations over the internet for their customers. Customers can find a specific reservation by providing the confirmation number and the last name for the reservation, and then they can change or cancel the reservation by using the link provided. By changing or canceling a reservation online at Marriott, you do not need to call the Marriott customer service hotline or go to its office during business hours to change or cancel your reservation. Being able to deal with these affairs online anytime and anywhere is convenient for you. It is much simple, easy and convenient to do.
About Marriott

Marriott International, Inc. is a hotel and tourism corporation which is based in the United States. It operates a broad range of hotels and related lodging facilities. It was founded in 1927 and currently has more than 3,700 properties in over 73 countries and territories all over the world. How can you change or cancel reservations online at Marriott?

  • Requirements
    1. A computer with internet access.
    2. You need to have the confirmation number and last name for the reservation handy.
  • Step-By-Step Guide
    1. Go to the Marriott website at related link 1 below.
    2. Click on the button marked “Change/Cancel Reservations”.
    3. Enter the confirmation number and last name for the reservation into the required boxes, and then click on the button marked “Find”.
    4. Follow instructions to complete the reservation changing or canceling process.
    5. If you have any questions or problems, you can go to the Marriott Help Center at related link 2.
Related Links

  1. Marriott:
  2. Marriott Help Center:

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