Take Part in the AddictingGames Quick Survey

AddictingGames Quick Survey is a customer questionnaire which is created by AddictingGames to measure how their players feel about the games it provides. It is conducted online and takes about 15 minutes to complete. AddictingGames values customers’ input and tries to meet all the needs of their customers. By taking part in the AddictingGames Quick Survey, you can express your satisfaction or complaints about any games on AddictingGames. You can also share your opinions and suggestions on how to improve AddictingGames so that they can give players a better experience in future. What is more, it is simple and easy to participate in the survey.
About AddictingGames

AddictingGames is an online game website which is owned and operated by Atom Entertainment, Inc. It is the largest online games site in the United States, with over 10 million unique users every month. AddictingGames launches new games every week, presents games from hundreds of independent developers, and spreads them around the world. It is a pioneer in the online game industry. How can you take part in the AddictingGames Quick Survey to make AddictingGames better?

  • Requirements
    1. A computer with internet access.
    2. You need to have played AddictingGames games.
  • Step-By-Step Guide
    1. Go to the AddictingGames website at related link 1 below.
    2. Click on the button marked “Take our Quick Survey”.
    3. Click on the button marked “NEXT”.
    4. Select your age from the drop-down menu and then click on the button marked “NEXT”.
    5. Choose your gender from the given options and then click on the button marked “NEXT”.
    6. Choose the technology products or gadgets that you use to play games and then click on the button marked “NEXT”.
    7. Answer the survey questions and follow instructions to complete the survey.
    8. If you have any questions or problems about AddictingGames, you can go to its help page at related link 2.
Related Links

  1. AddictingGames: http://www.addictinggames.com
  2. AddictingGames Help: http://www.addictinggames.com/help/help.jsp

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